
The Unofficial Borat Homepage

The Unofficial Borat Homepage

Conan O'Brien Interview

Many thanks to Arne Arne for the screenshots.

Borat and Conan

"I very excite to be here! You have a big head"


Borat and Conan

"A little bird told me, Conan like a sex crime. High five!"


Borat and Conan

I would like to make love inside of Queen Lathifa and make a liquid explosion


Borat and Conan

Many people try to tell me that Kazakhstan is primitive. It is not primitive. We have seven swimming pools. Two with water to the top!


Borat and Conan

"You can touch my hràm"


Borat also appeared in his disguise character of English comedian Sacha on the John Stewart show. Many thanks to Sassanix for the screenshots:

Sacha and Stewart


Sacha and Stewart


Sacha and Stewart


Sacha and Stewart


Sacha and Stewart


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