
The Unofficial Borat Homepage

The Unofficial Borat Homepage

Borat Sounds

Stop press - 21 April 2005 - the latest we have heard about the various Soundboards is:

The first Borat Soundboard (credit to Cringehumor.net)

The second Borat Soundboard (credit to Cringehumor.net)
http://www.kdkprankcalls.com/ - click on Soundboards page 2 or 3

The third Borat Soundboard (credit to Drinkalot.com)

However, do a Google search on "Borat Soundboard" for the latest info!

The Infamous song: In my country there is problem

Then we have a big party

Thanks to fan of the site Matt, users can download a small movie file of Borat singing this song at the following URL:

Geoff also has this on some web space:
You must however rename the downloaded jpg file to a wmv file on this site!

Till is hosting the MP3:

Maybe even visit Till's site at http://wasimmer.de.

So is Matt3:

...and another MP3 link: http://mywebpages.comcast.net/inhibitors/mp3/downthewell.mp3

Asaf has produced a "sing along" Shockwave version of the song:

Christopher has done an MP3:

Many, many thanks to those who have emailed me with this information - it just shows how many Borat fans there are out there!

For another Borat song you may want to visit http://www.geocities.com/boratmusic/index.html

Borat in the USA

Borat Online recommends clicking on the image below for an excellent Sound Board produced by the guys at www.cringehumor.net -

Click here for Sound Board

Borat singing on MP3

Borat in the UK

All little MP3 sound clips are off line due to my bandwidth going through the roof - apologies!!!

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