
The Unofficial Borat Homepage

The Unofficial Borat Homepage

Borat's Guide to the USA Series One

Borat's guide to DatingEpisode One: Guide to Dating

Visits the Great Expectations Dating Agency for some tips on how to attract American Women.

Borat then goes to Dating School and tries out some of his slick chat up lines.

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Borat's guide to EtiquetteEpisode Two: Guide to Etiquette (US)

Borat attends two very posh meals, one with professors from Charleston University, the next with Sons of the American Revolution.

Needless to say, breaking wind and conversations about sex with a lady from Gambia are not what they were expecting.

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Borat's guide to Being a Real ManEpisode Three: Guide to Men

Part one of this episode sees Borat talking killing and naked women at a gun club.

Part two, in contrast, sees Borat visit a gay gym for keep fit lessons.

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Borat's guide to ActingEpisode Four: Guide to Acting

It's acting time at Acting-Drama Therapy Centre for our man from Kazakhstan.

Borat then puts his techniques into practice when he auditions for the theatre.

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Borat's guide to BaseballEpisode Five: Guide to Baseball

Not often is the national anthem of Kazakhstan song at a baseball ground in America, well definitely not all five verses!.

After the match it's then time to do some wrestling in the changing rooms.

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Borat's guide to The SouthEpisode Six: Guide to the South

Borat goes to the south of America to learn about Rodeo.

The locals are paricularly surprised to see the polaroid pictures of Borat's wife from home.

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