
The Unofficial Borat Homepage

The Unofficial Borat Homepage

The Borat Board - Disclaimer

The Borat Board is independent of boratonline.co.uk and is run by a number of Borat fans who have no connection with boratonline.co.uk other than a love of Borat.

Views expressed on the Borat Board are in no way connected to boratonline.co.uk.


Saying all that, it is the best place on the Internet to discuss Borat.

Here's a message from Kenty the leader of the Borat Board:


Due to the nature of this forum we have implemented an 18+ agenda. There are no filters on images, text of films and so we have created a disclaimer.

The views expressed by members of the forum are not necessarily the views of the webmaster and/or moderators.

Please take a moment to familiarise yourself with TBB rules (found here) before entering as violating these rules could lead to you being banned from the forum.


- Sod all that, take me to the Borat Discussion Board.

- No, I don't like the occasional swear word please take me elsewhere.



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