
The Unofficial Borat Homepage

The Unofficial Borat Homepage

Borat Gets His Own Show?

Wed, 30 Aug 2000 - Borat Gets Own Show

The Unofficial Borat Site has been contacted by Ali G (via an official channel4.com email address) with notice of a new Borat show.

Channel 4 have noticed how the Ali G fans have taken to Borat and have therefore decided to do a special Borat show this Winter.

The received email is displayed below.

On reproduction of this story please credit www.webgeordie.co.uk/borat - The Unofficial Borat Homepage

The Email:

From: ************@channel4.com
To: boratinternet@hotmail.com
Subject: Borat
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 10:56:47 -0700 (PDT)

Dear Sir.

Thank you very much for creating a web site for one of my creations. Borat has been taken in with open arms by the viewers of my show. Channel 4 has realised this and have decided to make a borat show. As one of my fans i have given you this piece of news first before anyone else. I give you this piece of info because i am very pleased with what you have done for me and my show. Thanks again for supporting my creation. Watch out for more Borat this winter. 

Mr Ali G. 

The Ali G show channel 4 production.

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