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Top Borat Moment #18 Borat's response to Kazakh officials critisicm

Borat released a statement in response to the Kazakhstan goverments threat to sue Sacha Baron Cohen following the MTV Europe Music Awards.

The response was filmed to a back drop of the Kazkhstani flag and some antique duelling pistols. The transcript of this is below.


In response to Mr Ashykbayev comments, I like to state I have no connection with Mr Cohen.

I support my government's decision to sue this Jew.

Since the 2003 <inaudible> reforms, Kazakhstan is as civilized as any country in the world. Women can now travel on inside of bus. Homosexuals have no longer to wear blue hats. And age of consent has been raised to eight years old.

Please, captains of industry, I encourage you come to Kazakhstan where we have incredible natural resources, hard working labour and some of the cleanest prostitutes in whole of Central Asia.

Goodbye. Chenque!"

Watch it below courtesy of
YouTube.com ...


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