
The Unofficial Borat Homepage

The Unofficial Borat Homepage

Top Borat Moment #19
Borat introduces the ladies in his life

From the Borat Special first shown on E4 UK - The concept of Borat having many wives and girlfriends and prostitutes and a sister is one that continued through all of the USA episodes. This was when it was first really introduced...

Borat - This is my wife. (A plain poorly dressed middle aged lady in the village).

Borat - This is my other wife. (A plain poorly dressed middle aged lady in the city).

Borat - This is my mistress. (A plain poorly dressed middle aged lady in the village).


Borat - This is my girlfriend. (A plain poorly dressed middle aged lady in a hotel room)


Borat - This is my sister. (A giggling poorly dressed teenage girl. Borat looks very sheepish when he introduces her).

Borat - And this one I have to pay money for.  (A plain poorly dressed middle aged lady in the village). But it is worth it. Wah wah wee wee. (Borat then proceeds to do a dance in the yard with this lady friend).



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