
The Unofficial Borat Homepage

The Unofficial Borat Homepage

Archived Borat News 2001

Latest News | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000

30/12Click here to go to the politics episode./01 Borat's Guide To Politics Transcript
  The transcript from the previously unseen Borat's Guide To Politics is now on the site.

  Borat - Jagshemash. Pepsi Max. In Kazakhstan, we fight for sixty year to get rid of Communism. Here in England, after eighteen year of rule by Maggie Thatcher and other English Gentlemen they put in a Communist. I come here to Bournemouth, to sunny seaside to see why politics fifty year behind Kazakhstan. Chenk yeu.

08/12Click here to go to the edinburgh episode./01 New Hidden Transcripts Added to Site
  The new video/DVD Ali G Bling Bling contains previously unseen sections of Borat's Guide to the Edinburgh Festival and Borat's Guide to Sport.

Borat's Guide to the Edinburgh Festival
Borat interviews an American Poet but really only wants to know about Dolly Parton's breasts. Also more from the Shakti the erotic ballet dancer.
  Borat -  "I go now to see Striptease Mon Amour. I hope it is as good as Strippy Strippy Bang Bang in Kazakhstry Street."

Borat's Guide to Sport
More from the chat to Nick (Todd). Borat asks if people come to play bowls and then have sex.
  Borat - "I met a man in King Cross last night. He wear leather trousers. He call me Steve."

  01/12Click here for further info on the Borat Screen Saver/01 Download the Borat Screen Saver for free!
  www.boratonline.co.uk, The Unofficial Borat Homepage has produced a Borat Screen Saver - It contains around 60 screenshots and quotes from Borat's funniest moments.

  The screen saver is absolutely free and information on how to download it is given at the downloads section of this site.

  The screen saver is designed to work on Microsoft Windows operating systems. Apologies as usual to any Mac Users.

  Another bit of news is that fan of the site Jonny Mc has put together a Borat Quiz. Click here to see if you can beat the webmaster's score of 9 out of 10!

26/11/01 New Borat Material now on Video / DVD
  Ali G, Bling Bling is now in the shops in the UK. It contains the first new Borat material in 8 months (since the Borat Show on E4).

  New materials includes:
  1. Unseen footage from Borat's Guide to the Edinburgh Festival
  2. Unseen footage from Borat's Guide to Sport
  3. Unseen footage from Borat's Guide to Cambridge
  A new Borat Guide previously unavaible - Borat's Guide to Politics 

08/11/01 Official Ali G Site Launched - www.alig.com
  Borat Online has been informed that The Official Ali G Site has now been launched.

  It's a well put together site, with some input from Sacha Baron Cohen on the humour side and some slick web design on the technical side. There are plenty of funny quotes from Ali, some exclusive pictures, latest news, the Ali clothing shop and the Ten Commandments according to Ali. Amongst the latest news is further information about the Ali G / Borat Xmas Video, (shamelessly copied and pasted below)...

Dis be da name off me new video dat iz already havailable or will be havailable soon dependin on wether or not u iz readin dis before when it is havailable or after it has already become havailable. It contain a load off stuff dat was to good for da telly, hincludin a bit dat woz cut out of me Chronic Relief intraview wiv da Beckhams. Me can’t say hexactly wot appened let’s just say dat David left da room coz Brooklyn needed his shoes changin, me had a ‘private’ chat wiv his wife Victoria or ‘Nosh Spice’, as me now calls her. As well as film of dis (halledged) incident, dere iz also half an our off Borat and some new American intraviewz.

Anyway, all in all a decent site well worth a visit. All it needs as the icing on the cake is a return link to the Unofficial Borat Site www.boratonline.co.uk

13/10/01 - EXCLUSIVE - New Borat Material on its way - EXCLUSIVE
  Borat Online has been informed that there is some eagerly awaited new Borat Material on its way.

  Sources close to Sacha Baron Cohen inform us that,

  "...there's a new Ali G video out at Christmas, featuring plenty of new Borat material, including a recut version of Borat learning to play cricket, extended guides to the Edinburgh Festival and bowling, and an all new guide to politics."

  Keep returning to The Unofficial Borat Homepage for further information.

30/08/01 Austrailians go mad for Borat
  The Ali G Show is currently showing in Austrailia and apparently the whole country is going mad for Borat. The Unofficial Borat Website has had nearly four times the visitors as normal and most of these extra visitors are from down under.

One Austrailian Online News Site even decided to give www.boratonline.co.uk a little review:

"...But there is more to Sacha than one funny character. At the Official Borat Home Page ( www.boratonline.co.uk) we found another of his personas – Borat Karabzhanov, 'Kazakhstani television's top media personalit'". 

This site has transcripts of Borat interviewing animal rights protesters and hunters about the benefits of a fox hunt, pompous Oxford boys talking about why women are stupid (their words, not ours) and asking a tailor whether his job of running a measuring tape up the inside of a man's leg means he is homosexual. 

How could we have missed out on all of this?"

Taken from http://www.thecouriermail.news.com.au

Click here for image gallery 15/07/01 Image Gallery now added

  An image gallery containing around 30 of the top Borat images from this site has been set up.

  Each image is complimented with a classic Borat quote.  "But they are fantastic in a kitchen, in a bed, but in a sport?"

Jagshemash!!!16/05/01 Critical acclaim for Borat (and a little even for this site!)
  Sacha Baron Cohen won two BAFTAs for Best Comedy Creation(s) (for Ali G and Borat) and Best Comedy Programme (The Ali G Show). To read more about this click here.

  In Internet Magazineaddition to Sacha's success, The Unofficial Borat Homepage was reviewed in Internet Magazine. It received a very favourable review scoring 5 out of 5 for content and 4 out of 5 for design. This review is also posted here.

  Thanks to the BBC site for the BAFTA story and quotes. Thanks to Internet Magazine for the kind review. 

21/03/01 Borat 'Victim' Talks to the Site AgainPeta
  Friend of the Unofficial Borat Homepage, Peta Heskell, has kindly been talking to the site about meeting Sacha Baron Cohen and her theory about who makes a good 'Borat Victim'. Click here to read her thoughts.

  If YOU are a Borat victim then the Unofficial Borat Homepage would love to hear from you! Do you know Lady Chelsea, the fan's favourite victim? Or maybe you are a member of the rowing crew who got a kiss off Borat? Or maybe even you are the ginger member of the Edinburgh University Comedy Team who got hit a few times of Borat?

  To contact the www.boratonline.co.uk please email webmaster@boratonline.co.uk 

11/03/01 Borat TV Show on Channel 4Borat TV Show
  The Borat Television Show is being shown on Channel 4 on Monday 12th March. This is a repeat of the show first shown on E4 in January. It follows Celebrity Big Brother at 2130, which should ensure some good viewing figures.

  Highlights included:

  • Extra footage from Borat's Guide To Hunting
  • Borat's Guide To Sport
  • A special introduction to Borat's family in Kazakhstan
  • A look at some of Borat's friends at the local massage parlour

28The Borat TV Show/02/01 New Tune and Guide To Sport
  I have finally got 'round to putting the rest of the new transcripts from the Borat Television Show (on E4) up on the site. Please click here for Borat's Guide To Sport. This was not originally shown on the Ali G Show.

  The theme tune from the Television Show has also been added to the Sounds Gallery. Please click here to download the MP3. Again, apologies for the poor quality - but it is from Kazikhstan TV!

Dancing Dog and Cat05/02/01 Additional Material Added To Hunting Transcript 
  The Borat Television Show also showed two previously unseen sections of Borat's Guide To Hunting. Borat was seen interviewing an elderly chap at a pro-hunting rally and also a plump bloke at a partridge shoot.

  To read both of these transcripts please click here.

  In an attempt to make the navigation of this site a little easier a quick navigation combo and a search engine has been added. Maybe this is going a bit against the 'simple feel' of the site and I know that it won't work properly with Netscape - If visitors like / don't like this latest addition please let me know.

  Also I have bought the domain name www.boratonline.co.uk. As yet, this is simply pointing at the current URL but things might change if money goes OK this month.

02/02/01 New 'About Borat' Section Added to Site 
  The transcript from the Borat Television Program is now up on the site. As this Nice hat gives a great insight into who Borat actually is I decided to change the About page to include this.

 Many thanks to Steph and Liz (who do the excellent Unofficial Sacha Baron Cohen Site) for the screen shots!

Finally, if you do own the Ali G, Aiii DVD or Video it is probably worth your while looking for any hidden chapters. Similarly it may be worth having a look around this website for any similar hidden pages.

ali g, aiii01/02/01 'Mario' Wins Ali G, Aiii Video Competition 
  'Mario' was the name pulled out of the hat to win the Ali G, Aiii Video Competition. There were twenty seven entrants over the last five weeks. Commiserations to the unlucky twenty six.

  The correct answer to the question: When interviewing the performers "Striptease Mon Amour" Borat described seeing a British pop act at a festival in Kazakhstan. Who was this? was Right Said Fred.

  The Unoffical Borat Homepage would like to thank Kerry from the Ali G, Aiii PR Company for providing the video.

30/01/01 Borat Desktop Images Available 
  You can now download decent quality images for your Windows Desktop from this site. Images from the Guide to Henley, Guide to Hunting and Guide to Etiquette are available. An image from one of Sacha's other less know characters is also included (Ali someone or other?).

These may be found in the downloads section of the site.

19/01/01 New Borat material shown on E4 
  The Borat Special on E4 provided plenty of previously unseen footage. Transcripts of this show will appear on the site very shortly. If anyone can provide the Unofficial Borat Homepage with any screen captures from the show it would be most appreciated.

  Highlights included:

  • Extra footage from Borat's Guide To Hunting
  • Borat's Guide To Sport
  • A special introduction to Borat's family in Kazakhstan
  • A look at some of Borat's friends at the local massage parlour

Keep visiting this site for further information.

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