
The Unofficial Borat Homepage

The Unofficial Borat Homepage

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16/12/05 The Anti-Ambassador of Kazakhstan

Most Borat fans will have seen the world go Borat crazy again this week with the news that the official website borat.kz was closed down by the Association of IT companies of Kazakhstan. Not really a problem as the site was simply moved to borat.tv instead. However, great publicity again for the number six most famous man in Kazakhstan.

Most reports simply took the Reuters news story again in its entirety (probably care of Sacha's new publicist Matt Labov Mr Labov - please get your staff to email webmaster@boratonline.co.uk the press releases too!)

However, the best report on this comes from Doreen Karvajal from the International Herald Tribune. It made the front page of this world famous paper and incredibly the humble Borat Online gets a mention - click here to read the full story. Ms Karvajal names Borat the "Anti-Ambassador of Kazakhstan", but with all of the travel adverts to Kazakhstan within the Google Ads from these pages it may just be possible that Borat is helping to put Kazakhstan on the map.

There is only one thing worse about people talking about you, and that's people not talking about you.

24/11/05 Sue the Jew

Today Borat released a statement in response to the Kazakhstan goverments threat to sue Sacha Baron Cohen.

The response was filmed to a back drop of the Kazkhstani flag and some antique duelling pistols. The transcript of this is below.

Sue the Jew"Jagshemash.

In response to Mr Ashykbayev comments, I like to state I have no connection with Mr Cohen.

I support my government's decision to sue this Jew.

Since the 2003 <inaudible> reforms, Kazakhstan is as civilized as any country in the world. Women can now travel on inside of bus. Homosexuals have no longer to wear blue hats. And age of consent has been raised to eight years old.

Please, captains of industry, I encourage you come to Kazakhstan where we have incredible natural resources, hard working labour and some of the cleanest prostitutes in whole of Central Asia.

Goodbye. Chenque!"

Fans of Borat can watch this video clip at Borat's official site www.borat.kz

14/11/05 Do you like me?

Borat, pictured today apologising to the Kazakhstani PresidentBorat is a fictional reporter exposing Western ignorance and prejudices of foreigners in a humourous way?

Well that's not how the Kazakh Government see it. The BBC quotes the Kazakh Foreign Minister, Yerzhan Ashykbayev, as saying.

"We do not rule out that Mr Cohen is serving someone's political order designed to present Kazakhstan and its people in a derogatory way."

Mr Ashykbayev then indicated that he wasn't a big fan of Borat's recent MTV antics saying  it was "utterly unacceptable, being a concoction of bad taste and ill manners which is completely incompatible with ethics and civilised behaviour".

It's also believed that he thinks Robbie Williams new single is not as strong as some of his earlier work.

03/11/05 Borat rocks Lisbon

Introducing The Pussy Cat Dolls

"Please prepare yourself for masturbation because next are international singing prostitutes, Pussy Cat Dolls".

Introduction to Gorillaz

"There is one singer called Shakira... sorry I laugh because in Kazakhstan this word means vagina. For example, 'Can I touch your shakira?' or 'I have seen your wife's shakira, it hangs like the mouth of a tired dog".

For more Borat quotes from the MTV Europe Awards click here.

To complain or discuss how great Borat is click here.

If you can contribute to this site with photos or stories from the night click here.

30/10/05 The Borat Timeline

As there'll be loads of visitors to the site due to Borat's new found fame with MTV - here is a brief history of the number two television journalist in Kazakhstan...

April 2000
April 2000 - I had a good shit!
Borat appears on Da Ali G Show. The first run of shows includes guides to Etiquette, Hunting, Cambridge, Edinburgh and Henley.

November 2000
Unseen Borat footage is included on the Ali G Aiii DVD, this includes the guide to being an English Gentleman.

January 2001
The Borat Television Programme is shown on E4. This includes Borat showing off his family to the viewers.

May 2001
March 2001 - Two BAFTAsSacha Baron Cohen wins two BAFTAs for Best Comedy Creation and Best Comedy Programme for Da Ali G Show.

November 2001
Unseen Borat footage is included on the Ali G Bling Bling DVD, this includes the guide to Sport and Politics.

For the full Borat Timeline click here

25/10/05 www.borat.kz - Launch of the Official Borat Homepage

To coincide with Borat presenting the MVT (sic) Europe Music Awards, Fox Filmed Entertainment (FFE) appear to be behind the launching of a new Official Borat Homepage. Click on the link below to visit it.


The Unofficial Borat Homepage www.boratonline.co.uk is delighted with this. We hope it will deliver loads of Borat exclusives and news. It's good to see that fans of Borat can sign up to receive Borat newsletters.

The best section of the site so far is some promotional shots from the USA. Also, you can view some of the MTV trailers.

It'll be interesting to see if www.borat.kz gives a return link to www.boratonline.co.uk 

As with all news stories to discuss this on the Borat Board click below:


20/10/05 Jagshemash! It me, Borat. Hi!

"I in make-up preparation. I the number two television journalist in Kazakhstan. My other professions: ice maker and gypsy catcher. High five! You will not escape, Borat will get you. Call Kazakhstan-2417 for guarantee removal.

MTV - High FiveIt is no surprise that I have been select to host this year's MTV Europe Music Awards, which will be locate in Portugal. I apologize that I absent for make this announcement today, but I have a visa delay, due to sex-crime misunderstanding.

Since it was launched one year ago, MTV is still my country's number one soft-porno channel. I very much enjoy make hand relief to the singing prostitutes. Nice!

I look forward to meeting big a stars in popular music. Terence Trent D'Arby, C&C Music Manufacturing Plant, and also, world's most beautiful woman: Liza Minelli. Wow Wow Wee Waa! I would very much like to make romance inside her.

Since I have been give this job, I have also receive a letter from a lady called Victoria Beckhams. I do not know who you are, but if you are watching this, then my answer is yes, you may appear on the show in return for fellatio.

Thank you, and I see you in lesbian. I like you!

All credit for this story comes from DaniusCaesar (clip) and eeba (transcript) from the Borat Board. The Borat Board is where the latest Borat news and all of the banter is happening - make sure you visit it!

14/10/05 Kazakhstan rocked in Borat porno allegations

News reaches us from the Borat Board that the family broadcaster from Kazakhstan has had his dubious past exposed on the eve of the MTV music awards.

Pictures have been released from a home movie allegedly involving a young Borat Sagdiyev and an unknown female. At Boratonline, it is our duty as the worldwide provider of latest Borat information to display these pictures on the homepage.

No one close to Borat was available for comment today. It is so far unclear whether MTV will react to this video being made public so close to the eve of the MTV Europe Music Awards which Borat is scheduled to present.

I like in the mouth. It's nice.

One day I will go to U, S and A and make my fortune.

Whaa, whaa, whee, whaa

I like, high five!


Many thanks to Zoti from the Borat Board for these pictures. Please discuss this at:

27/09/05 Borat's the man for the MTV Europe music awards.


Boratonline understands that our very own Borat Sagdiyev will be hosting the MTV Europe music awards in Lisbon on 3 November 2005. The ceremony will include performances from Foo Fighters, Robbie Williams, Coldplay, The Black Eyed Peas and Green Day.

Ali G of course hosted this same event in Frankfurt in 2001.

If Ali's lines are anything to go by then Borat fans will be looking forward to the event:

  • "The show will have some of the greatest musical artists in the whole
    world ... and also Craig David. "

  • "Me personally is doing this because MTV has promised that me will get
    to bone either Janet Jackson, Destiny's Child or Dido.  Obviously Dido is
    the last resort."

  • "They say that good fings come in small boxes.  Kylie, I is got a very good
    fing, and you've got ... nuff said!"

  • Introducing Dido "Give it up for Dildo!  Strap it on girl!"

  • "Due to recent world events, Backstreet Boys, 'N Sync and Christina Aguilera
    will not be able to make it, so every cloud does have a silver lining."

  • "Atomic Kitten are proof that you can get to the top by boning thousands of
    record executives."

  • "Don't worry Craig (David), there's a lot of slappers here tonight -
    mentioning no names, Atomic Kitten."

  • "MTV is the best because for 20 years their quality showing of videos has
    made them the only channel to turn to if you want to knock one out before
    midday.  Me personally recommend doing it with the sound turned down, cos that rubbish music can really put you off."

  • "The awards will be happening in Frankfurt, which is of course the town,
    which gave its name to the hamburger.  Not only that but Ronald McDonald
    was actually born there.  The show will be going out to one billion viewers,
    which is literally thousands of people.  One billion is a very big number:
    it is more than all the stars in the sky, all the sand in the sea, and all
    the pubes on the Spice Girls - especially since Baby has had the 'zzzz.
    Me know that for a fact.  Aaaiii!  Me know that."


22/08/05 Borat attempts to play rugby with Pamela Anderson

Just a quiet day in LA.

Pamela Anderson was hosting a wedding ceremony for her beloved dog.

Borat turns up on the beach in a leather hat, jacket and pair of hot pants. Of course he's sailing in to the shore on an inflatable turtle playing a keyboard.

Next thing we know he's rugby tackled her and then got half drowned by her security people.

What next? Maybe getting Courtney Love pregnant? Or is that too ridiculous for a British comedian?

1. Land ahoy!

2. Right, where's the party?

3. David Hasslehoff never did this!

4. Did you get that on camera chaps?

5. Don't beat me up too badly fellas.

11/08/05 Borat naked at a mortgage convention

Borat fans continue to spot our man from Kazakhstan causing havoc in the USA. Fan of the site Drew emailed these pictures taken at a mortgage convention (!) in Los Angeles last weekend.

Needless to say the world must now be desperate to see the Borat Movie that will come out soon!

1. Naked Borat and a naked fat man

2. Security attempt to restrain naked Borat

3. Naked Borat manages to get on stage and "wrestle" with naked fat man

4. Six or seven security guards finally escort naked Borat to the door

Finally, Boratonline notices that Borat now has a publicist/PR representative for the USA. If anyone from the Borat USA team wants to get in touch with the site officially or completely unofficially then please email webmaster@boratonline.co.uk

And finally, any thieving lazy reporters wanting to rip of the stories here for a quick story on Sacha Baron Cohen for your glossy broadsheet magazine - please have the decency to at least credit the site www.boratonline.co.uk

19/07/05 Borat continues to cause trouble in the USA...

Porn film?A news story broke earlier this week about Borat causing trouble in Mississippi's Channel 16 TV station. He somehow managed to get interviewed live and then after initially behaving started to stir things up. When asked to leave he stumbled across a live weather report in the studio... twice.

Click here to read this story at clarionledger.com

Borat then hit the national headlines of most UK tabloids this morning with a story about how he was kicked out of some American aristocat's house after being invited in for a dinner party.

The fact that this has made all the UK papers suggests that Sacha's publicist has done a bit of a press release to get a bit of PR for the approaching Borat Movie.

Click here to read this story at mirror.co.uk

30/06/05 Be a part of a documentary on the making of the Borat Movie

Chris has contacted boratonline.co.uk with an amazing opportunity for Borat fans. He writes...

"I am doing a behind the scenes documentary of the making of the movie. Send me some tape of you or friends doing your 'Borat's' or whatever you think I might want to use in the documentary, no promises.

Make sure it's NTSC and either on a mini DV, VHS or DVD. Get started, you can send it anytime in the next 6 weeks but I'd prefer to get some before I leave town in a of couple weeks.

Enjoy, this is your chance, no joke."

So do a clip and then email boratdocumentary@mac.com for further details on where to post it to and stuff.

As boratonline.co.uk understands it, clips sent in may make it onto the DVD of the movie as a featurette and you'd be famous forever more!

If you have any friends that may be interested in this opportunity please email them and direct them to boratonline.co.uk

28/06/05 Borat filming in Times Square

The Cardboard Ninja emailed this picture of Borat, The Cardboard Ninja, The Cardborad Ninja's grandma, wife, and daughter.

Borat was filming in New York and is wearing his trade mark suit under the coat.

He was happy to chat to The Cardboard Ninja after filming and pose for the camera.




18/06/05 Borat is spotted filming again

Borat was spotted doing some filming in Washington for the Capital Pride celebrations.

Chris from chrisafer.com was at the festival and managed to snap a few pictures of our man from Kazakhstan.

To see all of the full size colour photos visit Chris's Flickr.com web page.


The final spot below comes from http://www.chriswylde.com he had his photo taken with Sacha whilst not being Borat but looking like Borat - quite a funny picture below...








30/05/05 Click here for the Crazy Borat song

"Is it like a small egg? Is it like a small potato? Is it a small apple? Is it a peanut?

Nice! Whaa whaa whee whaa!"

Graham has produced a version of the Axel F-Crazy Frog song. Only getting rid of the annoying frog and inserting vocals from Kazakhstan's favourite TV personality.


In the words of Graham (alias Crazy Borat):

"Dedicated to everyone who hates that annoying f******* toad and loves the sheer genius of Borat! Enjoy....... "



14/05/05 Fans spot Borat filming in New York

As the Borat Movie continues to be filmed, he continues to be caught out by fans who recognise him.

To the right is a picture snapped by Borat fan Josh from New York. Josh speaks to www.giantmag.com -

"Last night I was on the subway when Borat got on with some crew members who quickly tried to get out of the way. He stood up against a pole, pulled out a Hustler* and started reading while the guy to my right videotaped through an opening in his jacket. No one else really noticed what was going on, but I did manage to take a photo with my phone".

A big thank you to Austin for emailing in with this story!


The picture to the left is from Charles at www.jadetree.com -

"A friend was just on her way to eat or something and
hopped on the subway in NYC and saw Borat. So she started freaking out and
waited like 3 stops before the producer of the show let her get a photo with
him. I'm so jealous that I wasn't there to meet Borat

Meanwhile, 20th Century Fox have bought the domain name www.boratmovie.com - it is likely that this will be the official site for the film.

Other reports include that Trey Parker from South Park fame is working alongside Sacha and Dan Mazer writing the script. IMDB.com is reporting that Daniel Castro will be alongside Borat playing Locust and that Jimmy Miller is producing the film.

It all sounds like sexy time is ahead for Borat fans!

As always, anyone with any insider information or any fans who spot anything - please email me - webmaster@boratonline.co.uk

* If you're not easily offended and want to know what Hustler is click here.

22/04/05 Click here for a behind the scenes insight into Borat

Porn film?Last year BoratOnline was granted an exclusive behind the scenes interview with Series Producer Dan Mazer.

Earlier this year Sacha Baron Cohen (Borat) appeared on the Howard Stern show in which he talked more about how he pulls off Borat stunts.

Well boratonline.co.uk now has the transcript from the behind the scenes commentary from Sacha Baron Cohen and Dan Mazer from Borat's Guide to Dating USA Series 1.

Click here for this special behind the scenes insight into Borat

  • Borat's suit has never been washed
  • Some women find Borat attractive and ask for dates after the filming
  • Sacha writes his notes in Hebrew on his clipboard so they look foreign
  • The hair and moustache are Sacha's real hair and moustache
  • Using occasional Polish words has nearly had Borat exposed mid-filming

21/04/05 Fun with the Borat Soundboards

Fun with the Borat SoundboardsFan of the site Noo Noo has used one of the Borat Soundboards to have a conversation with a lady ringing to ask who he'd vote for in the UK general election.

Obviously instead of talking to the lady on the phone he simply clicked the for the appropriate Borat catch phrase.

Woman - "If there was a general election tomorrow who would you vote for?"

Borat - "Do you know Corky Bucek?" (five times)

Of course he recorded the full conversation on MP3 and you can download it the excellent site below for free:


A number of people have emailed me in asking where they can get the Borat Soundboards - well basically they seem to appear now and again on different sites and then get taken down. Doing a Google Search for "Borat Soundboard" isn't a bad idea.

However, at the moment we know of three:

The first Borat Soundboard (credit to Cringehumor.net)

The second Borat Soundboard (credit to Cringehumor.net)
http://www.kdkprankcalls.com/ - click on Soundboards page 2 or 3

The third Borat Soundboard (credit to Drinkalot.com)

14/01/05 May George W. Bush drink the blood of every man, woman and child in Iraq

Borat singing the Kazkahstani national anthem at SavannahAfter the controversy had just about died down about Borat singing about throwing Jews down wells our Kazakhstani friend has hit the headlines worldwide on CBS, Fox News, MSN, Radio 1, The Sun, Reuters, Sky News etc. etc. after some naughty antics at a US Rodeo.

At the rodeo in Roanoke, Va. USA, Borat was given permission to sing the national anthem. He started well introducing himself and saying that he supported the war against terrorism. He then was reported as saying,

"I hope you kill every man, woman and child in Iraq, down to the lizards"

and then,

"May George W. Bush drink the blood of every man, woman and child in Iraq"

Borat then got the words of the national anthem wrong finishing with...

"your home in a grave".

The organisers of the event realised that the crowd were angry and they rushed him away fearing violence.

"Had we not gotten them out of there, there would have been a riot," rodeo producer Bobby Rowe told the Roanoke Times. "I told him you done the wrong thing at the wrong place!".

Boratonline currently believes that Borat was filming for either a third US series of Da Ali G Show or for a documentary style film featuring Borat. If anyone can give any further information on this please email webmaster@boratonline.co.uk

To discuss the latest Borat developments please visit our discussion forum by clicking here.

14/01/05 Ali G Indahouse DVD won by ThatPunkPolter

The DVD was won by ThatPunkPolter aka Michael who correct answered all of the questions below (Egor/Igor, Kenny Dalglish, Savannah Sand Gnats, The Locust and Uzbekhistan).

Well done to the 20 or so folk who entered, the questions were pretty hard so give yourself a pat on the back for being big Borat fans!

Thanks again to Sacha Baron Cohen's people for providing me with a couple of free DVDs!

Jagshemash, Pepsi Max,

Da Webmaster

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